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Physiotherapy is helpful for a variety of physical problems, particularly arthritic and neurological ones. Recovering movement in stiff or painful limbs and backs is possible with individualised exercise programmes. Hydrotherapy complements regular physiotherapy as the buoyancy and heat of the water eases pain and allows a freer range of movement. The pool temperature is 34.5 degrees, which is warmer than a leisure pool and helps relax tight and aching muscles.


Hydrotherapy is recommended by doctors and physiotherapists to speed up rehabilitation after injuries and operations and as part of self-care for painful long term conditions. Adults and children with arthritis, back pain, fibromyalgia, stroke, cerebral palsy and other forms of handicap and disability can benefit. Recovery from accidents or operations can be made easier.


The Puffin Pool is designed and built around the needs of its users. With dedicated parking, wheelchair friendly access and warm and accessible changing rooms, the facility is supervised by qualified Supervisors and lifeguards to ensure a warm welcome and  enjoyable experience. Users with severe disabilities can attend with carers. We can take users of all ages and all severity of disability.

The twin changing rooms have secure lockers, private changing cubicles and efficient showers. Access to the Pool is facilitated by secure handrails and where necessary, a disability lift or hoist.


For a small charge you will be assessed by a specialist physiotherapist to advise whether hydrotherapy is right for you, after which you will be allocated a slot for regular therapy sessions and we will offer you advice on a programme of activities specially designed for you.


After therapy you will need to replace fluids and our waiting area is supplied with comfortable chairs and cold water. Other drinks are available to purchase.


Remember hydrotherapy is not a cure or quick fix and requires commitment and persistence from you. Regularly carrying out your exercise programme can make a significant difference to coping with a disability.


If you think would like more information or think you might benefit from hydrotherapy contact us for an assessment.

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